Advance Odoo Import Data Bridge(CSV or Excel File) in Odoo
With All Community Apps Dependencies
All Import Data of Odoo like Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory,Bill of material, Customer/Supplier Payment, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer, Pricelist(Sale, Purchase and Product), Product Images, Product Variants, Task, Multiple Statement, Attendances, POS Orders, Multiple Journal Entries , Chart Of Account. with this Odoo import tool in Odoo.
Importing all kind of data now easy never been before, Importing different sort of data is always been headache,Module is like VLC player of Odoo.
It can import all important data whether its Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory, Bill of material,Customer/Supplier Payment,Serial number with Stock, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer, Sale Pricelist, Purchase Pricelist and Product Pricelist, How resourceful it is ,It can reduce you work efforts and makes your life hassle free.
You can checkout Lower version for this module
Odoo Import Bridge(CSV or Excel File) Module.
If you want to import extra fields from default odoo apart from our sample files, we will add those on our import module without any extra cost. You can purchase our module and contact us on [email protected] e.,g If you want to add Analytic accounts on sale order or analytic tags details on sale order line or on purchase order vendor reference we will add without any cost
Multi Language Translation Available
We have added Translation using google translate for English (US), Arabic, French / Français, Spanish / Español and Dutch / Nederlands, if you want to change translation terms or add new translation provide us translation, we will add that without any cost.

Import Order
Import sale order, purchase order and invoice with external sequence and import pos order.
Import Order Lines
Import sale order lines, purchase order lines and invoice lines.
Import Accounting Data
Import bank statement lines/multiple bank statement lines, journal entry / multiple journal entries, customer and supplier payment and chart of account.
Import Bill of Material
Import multiple bill of material with multiple components.
Different Warning
Support different warning and validation.
Support Translation
Support translation in multiple language.
Import Attendances
Import attendances from CSV/XLS file.
Import product images
This app is designed to add product images using excel file.
Import Warehouse Data
Import inventory with serial number and expiry data, delivery, shipment and internal transfers.
Import Pricelist
Import sale, vendor and product pricelist.
Import and Update Master Data
Import and Update products, templates, product variant, customers and vendors.
Import Order with Date
You can Import Date which you have in your Database instead of default that Odoo provides.
Supported Community and Enterprise Edition
Works for Community and Enterprise both Edition.
CSV/XLS file Supported
You can import CSV or XLS file both as per as your convenience.
Efficient to Import for larger number of Employees
Easy to import attendance data for larger number of employees.
Helps to update product template
If you want to update the product template then select model as product template and operations as update product and select the excel file.
Import Invoice with Payment Details
User can able to import invoice with Payment details such as Payment Date, Payment Journal, Payment Amount.
Import Invoice with Full and Partial Payment Option
User can able to import invoice with full payment and partial payment , user can enter payment amount on file and payment will be done for invoice according to payment amount.
Easy to Import Custom Fields
You can easily import custom field from csv/xls file.
Generic Import Dashboard
You can import all the things at generic import dashboard.