AutoCare: Car Service Full App in Flutter with NodeJs Backend | Service Booking App
Are you planning to develop your car service booking app? Look no further than our premium code-selling service!
The Car Service Booking app is designed to simplify the process of scheduling and managing car maintenance and repair services. Whether you need a routine oil change, a tyre replacement, or a more complex repair, this app connects users with trusted service providers in their area, making it easy to book appointments, track service history, and manage all aspects of vehicle care.
Main Feature:
- Complete Woocommerce API Integration
- JWT Authentication
- Provider State Management used
- Node JS backend
- App supports both iOS and Android devices and has optimised coding
- Firebase Push notification integrated
- Separate File for Each Page & Component
Car Service Booking App Features:
- Dashboard: A centralized hub where users can view upcoming appointments, service history, and personalized recommendations at a glance.
- Introduction: A brief overview of the app’s features and how it simplifies car service management for users.
- Vehicle Type:Select your vehicle make and model to receive tailored service options and accurate pricing.
- Service: Highlighting the most popular and acclaimed authors. Explore their works and learn more about their contributions.
- Banner: Highlight special offers, promotions, or important updates with eye-catching banners.
- Coupon: Apply discount codes or promotional offers during the booking process to save on services.
- Standard Rate: View transparent pricing for all services, ensuring no hidden costs or surprises.
- TimeSlots: Choose convenient time slots that fit your schedule for booking car services.
- Booking: Confirm your appointment with a single tap, receiving instant confirmation and reminders.
- Users: Manage your profile, track service history, and update personal information easily.
List of screens:
- Splash
- Onboarding (3 screens)
- Log In
- Sign Up
- Forgot password
- Verification
- Reset password
- Password reset success pop up
- Home page(banner, popular centers, sub banner, recommended centers , bottom menu,)
- Popular centers
- Recommended service
- Filter
- Service detail screen (Service center name, location, service package, reviews, book a service)
- Add Car Details
- Payment
- Service book pop up
- Reviews
- Location (nearby car wash centres, select service (redirect to service detail page)
- Profile (profile details, payment method, terms and conditions, privacy policy, log out)
- Profile details
- History (car wash center details, payment details, add your reviews )
- Add your reviews pop up ( name, rating, your reviews, btn ( add reviews, cancel) )
- Notification
- Terms and condition
- My vehicle ( Vehicle details, Add vehicle btn, vehicle number, vehicle photo )
- Privacy policy
- Log out