BlazorStore Pro – Mobile PWA and Site Templates Multi-ternant + Multi Database
Ready to Use Functions:
Using BlazorStore, you can easily save more than 200 hours of development and research time and kick start the application development in no time. The Essentials are already done, you just have to worry about writing the business logic.
- Built on .NET 6.0
- Follows Clean Architecture Principles
- Domain Driven Design
- Multi Tenancy Support with Finbuckle: Create Tenants with Multi Database / Shared Database Support, Activate / Deactivate Tenants on Demand, Upgrade Subscription of Tenants – Add More Validity Months to each tenant!
- Supports MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle & PostgreSQL!
- Uses Entity Framework Core as DB Abstraction
- Flexible Repository Pattern
- Dapper Integration for Optimal Performance
- Serilog Integration with various Sinks – File, SEQ, Kibana
- OpenAPI – Supports Client Service Generation
- Mapster Integration for Quicker Mapping
- API Versioning
- Response Caching – Distributed Caching + REDIS
- Fluent Validations
- Audit Logging
- Advanced User & Role Based Permission Management
- Code Analysis & StyleCop Integration with Rulesets
- JSON Based Localization with Caching
- Hangfire Support – Secured Dashboard
- File Storage Service
- Test Projects
- JWT & Azure AD Authentication
- MediatR – CQRS
- SignalR Notifications
Health/Medical App Kit:
- Home page
- Medical form
- Vaccination certificate
- Vaccination certificate details
- QR code view
- Account
- Settings
E-Wallet App Kit:
- Home page
- Transactions
- Transaction details
- Cards
- Account
- Settings
- Promotions
E-Commerce App Kit:
- Home page
- Store Locations
- Post and News
- QR code view
- Settings
- Product listing
- Product details
- Cart and checkout
- Invoice history
- Invoice details
- Alert
- AppBar
- Avatar
- Badge
- Breadcrumbs
- Breakpoint Provider
- Buttons
- Card
- Carousel
- Charts
- Chips
- Chipset
- Container
- Dialog
- Divider
- Drawer
- Element
- Expansion Panels
- File Upload
- Focus Trap
- Autocomplete
- Checkbox
- Field
- Form
- Numeric Field
- Radio
- Select
- Slider
- Switch
- Text Field
- Grid
- Hidden
- Highlighter
- Icons
- Link
- List
- Menu
- Message Box
- Nav Menu
- Overlay
- Pagination
- Paper
- Pickers (Color picker, date picker, time picker)
- Popover
- Progress
- Rating
- ScrollToTop
- Simple Table
- Skeleton
- Snackbar
- SwipeArea
- Table
- Tabs
- Timeline
- Toolbar
- Tooltip
- TreeView
- Typography
- And more…