Consoel – Consulting Business HTML5 Template
Consoel is clean, unique, and modern Consulting Business HTML Template. It was created for Consulting Business or any kind of Consulting related business or company. The template layout contains custom-made pages for Consulting niches, like Service, Team. There is no doubt that Consoel will make your Website look more impressive and attractive to viewers. With the designed on-grid system, your site will look sharp on all screens. Our package includes 35 well-organized HTML files and with this template, you can convert it into WordPress and other backend.
The Modern and elegant design also provide cool features such as team, about, projects, services as well as letting you show blog or hot news. That is the reason this divine HTML Template is able to be used for most popular CMS.
Consoel comes with 35 page
Main Features
- 7 Home Style
- Optimized Files
- Modern Design
- HTML5 & CSS3 & jQuery
- Fully Responsive
- Free Google Fonts
- SEO Friendly
- Amzing Typography
- Awesome Unique Look
- Super Fast Loading
- YouTube Video Integration
- Flat Icon
- WC3 Validated
- Working Ajax Contact Form
- CSS3 Animation
- Paralax Background
- Well Documented
- Easy Customization
- Cross browser Support
- Friendly Customer Support
- And Much more…
- Bootstrap 5 Based