Currency Reminder – Android Alarm and Currency Converter 1.0
Currency Reminder is fast and lightweight currency converter app app in the market. this app have two main feature, 1. reminder will notify user about currency rate based on set time, 2. live conversion allow user to convert currency in the go, its support multiple conversion.
This app is suitable for freelancer, currency trader, or foreign currency investors who want to get currency notification before take action to convert their money.
Develop with native language makes app run smooth and fast. Dark theme and light theme implemented to make good user experience Follow the latest design Google Material Design and beautiful animations effect, make this is prefect template for you.
- Implement Material Design for Android
- Beauty Splash Screen
- Beauty Card View
- Beauty Loading animation
- Shared element transition
- Live curreny converter
- Notification history
- Unlimited currency alarm
- Day of week alarm
- Beauty empty state
- Lightweigh user experience
- Animate Toolbar and Bottombar when scrolling
- Notifications Sound & Vibration Setting
- Room database for store data
- Ripple Effect
- Notification support when online
- <Support Auto, Light & Dark theme
- Integrated with Firebase Ads
- Integrate with Firebase Analytics
- Using Android Studio & Build Gradle
- Clean & Neat Code (relative)
- Full Android Source Code
- Android Project Documentation