Demandium – Provider App
Demandium Provider app is the most important module of the Demandium Multi Provider on-demand service project. Providers can accept and deliver services using this app. Providers can manage all the things related to the provider panel by this app, like managing servicemen, assigning them to new service categories, earning reports, etc.
Download and check the Provider App
Email: [email protected]
Password: 12345678
Please Note:
This is a demo app and many people are testing this credential simultaneously. For a better experience with the Demandium provider app, we suggest you create a unique provider account from the admin panel first. You can follow these steps:
- Log in to the Demandium Admin Panel (Demo)
- Go to Provider Management > Add New Provider
- Create a unique provider account with demo credentials
- Click ‘Submit’, then download the demo Provider app
- Now, log in with the credentials you just created.
- Enjoy exploring the Demandium provider app!