Eduguard – Education & Online Course Bootstrap 5 Template
Eduguard is an E-learning, education, and online course template made with Bootstrap 5. This Website is designed based on extensive UX Research in order to provide the best experience to its users with advanced Find perfect courses with better filters and make students fall in love with the learning. This template design has a simple, clean layout that provides the best experience of e-learning.
You can use it for E-learning, Online Learning Management, Online Coaching Center, Online School, Online College, Online University, Online Academy, Online Institute, Online Private Instructor, and other types of websites.
Eduguard is built with HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 5, Jquery, Bootstrap & SCSS. All the code is well organized & developer friendly. This template includes 3 Homepage, Course List, Course Details, Event List & Event Details, Authentication, User & Teacher Dashboard page.
Template Features:
- Included 3 Unique Homepage
- 20+ Inner Pages.
- Well Documented for Easy Customization
- 100% Responsive Design
- Cross Browser Supported
- Based on Bootstrap 5 CSS Framework
- W3C Validated code
- Smooth, clean, modern design
- Easily Customizable HTML Contents
- Well Organized, Named and Documented
- Google Font Used
- Freepik & Unsplash Images Used.
- SVG Icon Used Provided by Flaticon & Feather. (Flat icon)
- 01_Homepage
- 02_Homepage
- 03_Homepage_Signle Instructor
- 04_Course_Search_Page
- 05_Course_Details_Overview
- 06_Course_Details_Curriculum
- 07_Course_Details_Instructor
- 08_Course_Details_Review
- 09_Instructor_Profile_Courses
- 10_Instructor_Profile_Review
- 11_Student_Profile_My_Profile
- 12_Student_Profile_All_Courses
- 13_Student_Profile_Active_Courses
- 14_Student_Profile_Completed_Courses
- 15_Student_Profile_Purchase_History
- 16_Student_Profile_Settings
- 17_Cart_Page
- 18_Check_out
- 19_Watch_Course_Lesson_Description
- 20_Watch_Course_Lesson_Notes
- 21_Watch_Course_Overview
- 22_Watch_Course_Comment
- 23_Watch_Course_Instructor
- 24_Watch_Course_Leave_A_Rating
- 25_Event_Search_Page
- 26_Event_Details_Overview
- 27_Event_Details_Speakers
- 28_Event_Details_Location
- 29_Event_Details_Review
- 30_About_Page
- 31_Contact_Page
- 32_Become_an_Instructor
- 33_FAQs_Pages
- 34_Sign_Up
- 35_Verify_Your_Email
- 36_Sign_In
- 37_Forget_Password
- 38_Reset_Password
- 39_404_Error_Page
- 40_Coming_Soon_Page
Sources and Credits
Free fonts & Icons:
- Poppins for Text
- Flaticon for Icon
- Feathericon for Icon
- Unsplash for Images
- Freepik for Graphics Photo