HotelAir – React Hotel Management Admin Dashboard Template
HotelAir Admin Dashboard Template
The Hotel Admin Dashboard Template is designed for seamless hotel management. With HotelAir, you get a comprehensive solution offering easy add/edit functionalities and a smooth workflow. Built on React Bootstrap’s SCSS framework, HotelAir is not only responsive but also feature-rich. It provides developers with a plethora of ready-made components and highly customizable features. Even for those new to frameworks, Hotel Air offers an intuitive interface for tweaking UI components directly within the HTML code. With Hotel Air, you’re equipped with everything you need for efficient and flexible admin management.
HotelAir Core Features
- Dashboard
- Authentication Pages
- Hotel Management Flow with Pages
- Settings Pages
- Documentation
- 6+ Color theme Options
- Switch to Light/Dark
- Monochrome Mode
- Dark Sidebar
- Dark Header
- Border Radius none
- Card Shadow active/inactive
- Icon stroke increase and decreases
HotelAir Ready Applications
- Calendar
- Email App
- Chat App
- File Manager
- Blog
HotelAir Document and Plugins
- Apex Chart
- Peity Chart
- Datatables
- Flatpickr
- Inputmask
- Jsvectormap
- Sortablejs
- Sweet Alert 2
- Tagify
- Quill Editer
- Font Icon
- Input Mask