Law Management System
Do you want the “Law ERP” system in odoo? Do you want to manage all “Law Matters” from a single system? In today’s competition, you need a “Law ERP” system to track every step of the case/matter quickly. So we have made a “Law ERP Management” system that provides the full lifecycle of laws. You can manage every matter with end to end law process. Using this module you can handle every type of law matters. “Law ERP” includes,
– Client Requests,
– Manage Matters,
– Manage Customers,
– Law Practice Area,
– Evidence management,
– Trial Management,
– Lawyer Information,
– Opposition Lawyers and Parties Details,
– Judge Information,
– Act/Article Management,
– Victim Information,
– Courts,
– Invoice Management,
– Case/Matter PDF Report.

Hot Features
- Track Case/Matter with Stages.
- Invoice Management.
- Trace Trial with Stages.
- Evidence Tracking with Favor.
- “Act/Article” Management.
- “Law Practice Area” Management.
- Case/Matter PDF Report.
- Case/Matter analysis.
- Lawyer, Judge, Victim Detail.
- You can manage multi lawyer in one matter.
- There are two different security groups, one for the manager and the other for the users.
- Track case/matter with stages easily.
- The client can request for law case and if the client approved by admin then it becomes a customer.
- Easy to make lawyers from employees. In the employee view, you have to just enable the option ‘Is lawyer’ and define wages arrangements by lawyers.
- Easy to manage client requests by stages.
- Easy to manage matters with the trial, invoice & evidence.
- You can keep track of every trial-related matter with stages.
- You can keep track of every evidence with favor and full details & documents related matter.
- Users can create and configure the “Law Practice Area”.
- You can keep the lawyer information, judge information, victim information & opposition lawyer information.
- Easy to manage “Act/Article” with name, type, number & description.
- Invoice management: Invoice managed by 3 ways,1) By Trial – You can create an invoice based on trial numbers.
2) By Cash- You can create an invoice based on fixed types of matter.
3) By Hour: You can create an invoice based on working hours. - You can print a PDF report of any case/matter with details.
- The “Law ERP” system improves work efficiency.
- No special configuration required, install it, use it.
- This module saves your important time.
- It reduces human efforts.