oobenn || Ultimate Instagram Style PHP Social Networking Platform
oobenn || Ultimate Instagram Style PHP Social Networking Platform is the best way to create your own UNIQ(no clone) social website or online community. Launch it in just 2 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
Please Note:
Except for icons and some pictures, all features were made by me. No one shall be entitled to any claim.. I’m not making customization requests. I keep updating and improving oobenn .
Welcome to oobenn product page.
oobenn is a social networking platform with instagram interface. With features hosted in oobenn content is a unique script that can be used for multiple projects.You can enable or disable the parts that members use to share. For example, if you have a video sharing project, you will have a video sharing project if you activate the video sharing feature of oobenn and disable other fields.
10 different sharing features are available. More features are being added with updates.
- The currently available sharing features are:
- Text Sharing Feature
- Image Sharing Feature
- Video Sharing Feature
- Music/Audio Sharing Feature
- Link Sharing Feature
- Filter Image Sharing Feature
- Gif Sharing Feature
- Location Sharing Feature
- WaterMark Sharing Feature
- BenchMark Sharing Feature
- Product Sharing Feature
- Before & After Image
It is manifested by the differences of oobenn which includes many features that I think will attract the serious project owners. oobenn is not a clone. It is a script that has been developed by developing some features of the most used social sharing platforms in the world. There are also some features that are not available anywhere. For example, the benchmark feature is an unused feature on popular social sites.
Continual value added free updates. oobenn continues our long standing tradition of updates with incredible new features & improvements.
oobenn has a ton of raving and real world features that give you power to build something great. I’ve highlighted some of oobenn features below! Don’t wait, BUY OOBENN and join your dream.
User Features :
- News Feed (Following Friends Activity): displays messages posted by following users. Videos, images, audios, links, suggested pages and much more.
- Profile Displays your user profile along with Events, photos, Videos, Areas of interest and much more.
- Photos: View and show all the photos you share here
- All Events: Users can see his own NewsFeed Videos, Photos, Links, Locations and much more…
- Likes: for updates with latest profile images preview and total likes counter.
- #hashtag in updates, comments, videos ect.
- Trending Topics: Top 5 trending topics on NewsFeed page and Top 5 Trending Topics on #hashtag
- Click Sounds When you click like button click sounds will apper like facebook.
- Click Vibrate When you click like button click vibrate will apper like facebook
- Block: When you block someone you do not like. The person you blocked can no longer view your shares.
- Notifications Get notifications (red notification with bubble counter) from your following users when they: Like, Comment, friend request and Follows.
- User Mention System User can tag his friend in any post or comment. It will give also a notification by tagget user friends.
- Post Privacy: – Everyone – Available to everyone, – Following – Available to following users, – Followers – Available just followers, – Just me – Only you can see
- Report report messages, comments and profiles
- Cover and profile images for user profile
- Retina Display Ready Responsive Design
- Filters Posts Events, locations, videos, links ect.
- Friends suggestions
- Change Langauge
- Day / Night Mode like Twitter
- Instagram Style Story
- Badoo Style Interested
- Tumblr Style User Hover Card
- Tumblr Style Post Types
- Online Friend List
- How many friends see storyTotal display is calculated separately for each status update.
- Edit Post
- Disable / Enable comment
- Fast answer Fast answer working like instagram story.
- Sticker Sticker system working like facebook.
- Whatsapp Style Text Edit User can change the text style like whatsapp. In this feature have tree type for text: Bold, italic and strikethrough text.
- Welcome Page Templates After you buy the oobenn you can see there is tree template for wellcome theme. You can use which one you like. Also you can create a welcome page template for your project. It is very easy.
- User can add Profile Background Audio
- User can add Profile background image
- PayPal Payment System
- Advertising System
- User Credit System
- Gif System like facebook
- Scroll to play video like instagram
- Share video on story page
- Share image on story page
- Manage your stories
- See how many user viewed your shared stories
- PayPal Payment Gateway
- User can buy Credit
- User can create Advertisement
- Admin can Create Advertisement
- Per view advertisement
- Per click advertise
- Manage Advertisement
- Self-Desctruction message like badoo
- Send video, file, music and images on chat page.
- See multiple image in nice popup slide show
- Instagram style multiple image slider
- Watermark System
- BenchMark SystemThis feature is the first in the world
- Image Crop System User can upload and crop AVATAR/COVER and Uploaded BenchMark images.
- 12 BenchMark category
- 18 Watermark bg Image (Admin can add more watermark bg using admin dashboard)
- Users can edit/Customize their profile colors, backgorund image, background sound
- Users can change profile font style with 51 different font.
- Users can share his/her location.
- Users can share gif using giphy API
- User can Create Event
- Event creator full manage his/her own Event
- Tumbnail system
- 5 Different Login & Register Page Template. More coming soon..
- WhatsApp style Video Preview without changing the url. Support (12 big website) YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, DailyMotion, MetaCafe, VideoJug, Blip, Screenr, SlideShare, flickr, funnyordie and devianart
- Re-Share User can ReShare liked posts like tumblr
- Unlike Post User can Unlike Posts
- Weather
- Post Text Translate like Facebook
- Voice recording for comment
- 6 Feeling Category and 111 Feeling Icon
- 27 Product Category
- Slider Advertisement system
- Product Click Counter
- Product Seen Counter
- Menu and Icon system
- Market Place Profile system. User can buy template for his/her business. Like tumblr blog template system.
and so much more feature. New features continue to be added every two weeks…
- Live Streaming
- Send email to 14 types of users
- Live comments from Live Streaming
- BitPay, IyziCo, Authorize.Net, Stripe, PayStack, PayPal, RazorPay payment gateways
- Chat sidebar like facebook
- Point system, user can earn points from their: Posts, comments, likes ect.
- Earnings table with graph
- Donate posts system
- Shopping Card System
- Market Order
- Announcements
- In-Video advertise feature
- In-Video advertise feature
- … and so much more features
- User manage : Edit, delete user
- Post magange : Edit , delete users posts.
- All Site Statistic
- Edit Langauge
- Welcome templates
- Website management
- Manage features
- Manage advertisements
- Manage gifs
- Manage Stickers
and so much more…
- oobenn requires Apache Server, PHP 5.5+ and MySQL to run
- Before install oobenn please make sure that PHP extensions (mysqli, mbstring, curl) & PHP library (GD) & PHP funcrions (allow_url_fopen() & mail()) & Apache extension (mod_rewrite) are enabled on your server
- SSL certificate (only required if you enabled video chat)