pTask Manager is the small project’s task management software. pTask Manager very provides a flexible environment to manage project’s task. It’s very suitable for small organization/company or freelancer who is looking for a manageable system to manage their project. pTask Manager comes will a lot of amazing features which will help your manage project’s task. With the pTask Manager, you can easily manage your project list, task list. It allowed to labeling task list, assign a task to the user and mark them as closed/open, attaching attachments etc.
Youtube Video & Documentation
[wpcc-iframe title=”pTask Manager – Project Task Management Software” width=”1260″ height=”709″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””] Features:
- Basic authentication
- Login
- Signup
- Forgot password
- Reset password
- User Management
- Add user
- Edit user
- View user
- Change user profile photo
- Delete user
- Search user
- Manage Profile
- Update profile
- Chane profile photo
- Change password
- Manage Project
- Add project
- Edit project
- Delete project
- View project
- Add attachments
- Search project
- Manage Project Task
- Open task
- Edit task
- Delete task
- Task list
- Search task
- View task
- Close/Reopen task
- Comment on task
- Add attachment on comments
- Edit comments
- Add attachment
- Assign/Reassign user to task
- Add label
- Edit label
- Download attachment
- projects feeds
- Manage Labels
- Add label
- Edit label
- Delete Label
- Label List
- Search Label
- Assign User
- Assign user to project
- Remove user from project
- Search assigned user
- Create user if needed
- Attachments
- Search attachments
- Single attachments download
- Download all attachments
- Feeds
- All project
- Project’s wise feeds
- Settings
- Update application name & logo
- Change SMTP mail transporter