
Are you tired of the same old WordPress Administration Design?
If so, we have the perfect solution for you! Using our Rebrand WordPress Admin Theme – Modern Flat UI Plugin you can change it in just minutes!
Inspired by the new iOS7 and combined with the Flat UI Design Trend we managed to develop a plugin that will change your WordPress Administration appearance totally!

Turn your WordPress Administration Area into a new experience!
Customized login area with the possibility to add your own branding & the possibility to change background colors and not only this!
You can also remove any mention of WordPress from the admin bar or the footer area.
Even if you are a WordPress developer or a Web Designer who uses WordPress to develop websites for clients, either way you can benefit from using our plugin! You can now provide your clients with a complete website solution – on the front-end and in the back-end.

Responsive Design and Retina Ready
Fully Responsive, it works on all major browsers

Major areas changed

Full features list
- Custom login area with custom inputs & custom checkbox
- The possibility to change the WordPress Logo with your own brand
- The possibility to add a custom link to your brand
- Customizable background color (you can choose from a color pallete (inspired by the FlatUI Colors), or you can add your own background color)
- Customizable admin bar with the possibility to add your own logo & custom link
- The possibility to add a custom text in the administration footer area (Thank you for creating with WordPress), & link also
- The possibility to display custom or regular radio buttons, checkboxes and dropdowns in the administration area
Do you have a blog, facebook account, you like to tweet, dribble, share on pinterest or any hobbies of this kind? What if I told you you can earn money by just sharing a link ?
All you have to do is to create an Envato account, if you don’t have one, then send traffic to any of our products while adding your account username to the end of the URL.
When a new user clicks your referral link, purchases the item (or deposits money) you will receive 30% of that person’s first cash deposit or purchase price. If they deposit $20 into their account, you get $6.
If they buy a $200 item, you get $60.
We’ve made a list with customized banners & links that you can easily add to your blog or share on facebook, twitter, pinterest and so on.
Amazon eStore Affiliates (simply copy the code and replace “yourusername” with your own)
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
Woocommerce Amazon Affiliates (simply copy the code and replace “yourusername” with your own)
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
If you have any requests on banner sizes, please send us an email at [email protected] .
You can read more here