Reminder Designer and Periodic Reporting
Often it is truly comfortable to open a set of documents and process them one by one without extra clicks. It is even better if the system prepares such a list regularly. For such situations this tool serves. It lets configure automatic reports for any Odoo document type in a form of lists, where each record will satisfy the criteria you have chosen, will suit pre-defined time frames, and will contain only the data you would like to share.
Reports by any Odoo object
Configure the tool to send periodic reports and reminders for any Odoo documents including custom ones: sale orders, opportunities, warehouse transfers, requests for quotations, tasks, MRP operations, etc.
Configurable statistics
Choose data columns to include. Attach the report as an electronic table (xlsx), or/and as a PDF file, or/and as a table right in the email body. Apply aggregation (average, sum) for numeric columns. Introduce email greetings. Show or hide links
Up-to-date data under analysis
Include in reporting only those objects which suit your period requirements. It is possible to filter by any date and datetime fields of a target Odoo model
Suitable information
Apply any kind of filters by stored fields to include only documents which are of interest. Filter by a chosen partner or responsible user. Sort and group table lines
Flexible recurrence
Send lists with any periodicity: every day, each last Friday of a month, on a definite date of the year, and so on. Make reports reflect company calendars
Periodic reports for external and internal use
Any partner might be one of the reminder recipients: internal or portal users, customers, suppliers, and even Odoo mail channels
Assigned statistics managers
The groups Lists Reminder ‘Manager’ and ‘Only Own’ (according to ‘Responsible’) allow to manage reports. Make sure you trust such users: they may send certain documents without permission for those
Reports without restrictions
Have as many periodic reports as you wish. In any system language. For any interested internal group or third-party contacts.
Topical and up-to-date reports
Filtering by relative periods
Restrict report time frames by any kept date or datetime fields of a target document type: deadline, create or close date, next activity day, etc. As intervals select days, weeks, months, or years
Apply a few periods based on different dates: e.g. select this month’s closed leads that have been opened the last year. Records should satisfy each criterion, but if you selected the same date twice, records should be within any of those periods. For example, a deadline should be within the last 2 months OR the next month AND a close date should be within the last year
Intervals may both define previous time frames (‘the last’) and forthcoming periods (‘the next’). Periods are relative, so they are compared to today. E.g., ‘this month’, ‘the last year’, ‘the next 5 weeks’
Exclude or include a current period. For example, you might send a reminder on the first day of a month for a previous one. Vice versa, forward a list on the last day of this month for a current one
Test your settings according to a real-time-shown result below the table
Take into account that if a related date is not set for a document, such a document is considered as always outside periods
Filtering by any document detail
Filters are organized as a domain constructor: you may use the most of storable fields with any level of precision. The latter means, for example, you can filter sales orders by a related partner country or even by a state of a company of a related partner
Use both ‘AND’ (‘all’) and ‘OR’ (‘any’) operators to achieve the desired result
Check yourself by pressing the button ‘Records’: it will show all documents which at the moment satisfy your search criteria (and you have an access to)
If you feel confident to prepare Reverse Polish Notation domains: turn on the developer mode, and apply more complex expressions such as, for instance, ‘category is child_of all’
Introduce the special filters by a chosen partner or a responsible user. In this way, the app lets quickly limit analysis for documents’ owners. For example, to find all quotations of a particular customer or a salesperson
Apply filters thoroughly: make sure you are not forwarding confidential data to the wrong partners. Be especially cautious in case of reminders for external contacts: make sure you filter documents by a related customer/vendor.
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