A fully featured taxi application offering tools you might need to run a location based on-demand service. Using Websocket the bidirectional connection between all players are established in real-time and fast.
- Wizard UX for pickup point and destination selection
- Select services with fees defined in back-end CMS
- Real-time location updates of driver during trip
- In-App Chat & Call between driver and rider
- Writing Review & rating the trip
- Predefined Coupons to get discounts on service fee
- History of all in-app credit Transactions available for driver and rider
- See message sent by admin for Promotions, news & etc.
- Add credit to in-app Wallet
- Pay the fee of travel with in-app credit or cash
- Switch between available & unavailable statuses
- Requests shown as cards with information about travel before accepting
- Google Maps API estimates travel’s fee by taking both best estimated duration & distance of travel into account
- Cancel Travel before starting
- In-App Chat & Call between driver and rider
- Request payment to bank account when it reaches a certain amount
- Overview Showing current online drivers and some statistics about platform’s state
- Drivers/Riders Showing details and history of drivers and riders.
- Requests Viewing and searching for all service requests.
- Complaints Manage and view complaints driver/rider made on their trip through app.
- Coupons Define new coupon codes that your users can use to get discounts on their services
- Promotions Send promotional messages to your users in order to increase engagement rate
- Payment Requests Request of drivers for paying in app credit to bank account is shown and admin can select and mark them as done. This action will automatically reduce amount paid from driver’s credit
- Services Define services and fee structure of them.
- Regions Define regions app would operate on.
- Fleets Define fleets to assign drivers to them. By setting a share for fleet commission of trip would be splitted between fleet and system admin by that percent.
- Payment Gateway Define payment gateways that user can use to pay for his trip and top up wallet. Currently Braintree, Stripe, Flutterwave & PayGate is enabled.
- Cars Define car models to assign to drivers later.
- Users List all users who have access to dashboard with their respective permission to each section.
Admin Panel username:admin, password:admin
The package you will receive after download consists of following folders:
- documentation: Available to View Online.
- ios: workspace folder compatible with Xcode 11.3+
- server: Backend APIs in an encrypted format.
iOS apps are in same development source code of demo except server app. Server App is a value added part of item and it is included in package but in an encrypted/compiled format so you won’t be able to edit current APIs from backend side. This doesn’t limits UI changes user might intend to make into app (including icons, colors, texts & etc). If you are interested in accessing to backend source code too you can contact [email protected] to discuss it’s purchase.
- A VPS (preferably with Ubuntu 16.04 or CentOS7). You can get one of these for a price low as 5$/month. For recommendations contact through email.
- A Google Maps account with billing enabled which would cover low scale free of charges but could have costs to be paid for Google Maps services if your scale goes high.
v3.4.0 (10 Oct. 2020):
-New Payment Gateway: PayPal
-New Payment Gateway: PayStack
-Dropped support for Android 4.4 (Minimum 5.0 is required)
-Various improvement and fixes
v3.3.1 (29 Jun. 2020):
-Various bug-fixes and small improvements
v3.3 (1 Apr. 2020):
-New quick installation mode
-More financial menus and functionalities for CMS
-Various improvements and bug fixes
v3.2 (9 Mar. 2020):
-New CMS, try at <a href="">Here</a>
-CMS: Fully realtime with notifications & etc.
-CMS: Progressive Web App. You can install CMS on mobile device or Chrome Browser and use it as an App.
-CMS: Deep information on rider/driver profile
-CMS: New Fleet option with financial records
-CMS: New Admin financial records
-CMS: Regions can be multi polygon now
-CMS: Based on Angular 9.0, Vast performance increase
-iOS: Driver can see his income charts
-various bug fixes and improvements
v3.1 (3 Jan. 2020):
-New Cash Payment paradigm implemented (optional)
-Small refinements for iOS
v3.0 (23 Dec. 2019):
-Multi region & Multi currency support
-8 new Service fee options
-Backend rewritten in TypeScript
-Payment Gateway implementation encapsulated for easier implementation of gateways in future
-Notification Delivery service redesigned
-Better Management options for Payment Requests
-Single & Multi Point location selection (On-demand services)
-iOS & Android Dark/Night Mode support
-More Reliable networking design
-Android Migrated from Java to Kotlin fully
-Android components Updated to Material 2.0
-Android Migrated to AndroidX
-Many iOS UI elements were reworked to match Native design
-Save Payment Information (Braintree Only, App is PCI compliant no need to get compliance)
-Automatic service payment after service
v2.11 (24 Sep. 2019):
-Missing Registration fields added
-Travel fee options: Static fee (Based on Estimation), Dynamic fee (actual distance & time)
-Third-Party Navigation options added for Apple Maps, Google Maps, Waze & Yandex Maps (iOS)
-Markers Redesigned (iOS)
-Some UI Elements redesigned with new iOS 13 elements (iOS)
-Many small improvements
v2.10.2 (29 Aug. 2019):
ios - iOS now uses MapKit instead of Google Maps. Faster, Looks better, Free & less package size
ios - New Navigation bar design
various bug fixes
v2.10 (17 Aug. 2019):
feature - Region Support added
feature - New fee structure options for services (more coming)
feature - Driver in-app Registration and document submission
improvement - iOS app has a more native look and feel now
fixes - bug fixes
v2.9 (5 Aug. 2019):
news - iOS app is now released to App Store
feature - in-app Chat between driver & rider
feature - ETA and distance is shown in travel page now
feature - iOS apps can now have a color scheme too
improvement - more travel recovery events added. Travels stats are more responsible from driver & rider point of view
fixes - bug fixes
v2.8 (8 Jul. 2019):
feature - Order Service From Dashboard
feature - Book Service for later
improvements - Performance especially on Ordering service improved
fixes - bug fixes
v2.7 (14 May 2019):
feature - New card design for driver requests in order to improve readability and viability of travel driver is taking.
feature - iOS now translatable and currency can be changed easily.
fix - lots of improvements and fixes on iOS version.
v2.6 (16 Apr. 2019):
feature - Installation process has been rewritten to make it easier and less error prone. "Could it be any easier?"
feature - New documentation written to make it more clear and cover edge cases users might face + A new section for how to translate and change currency of whole system.
performance - Dashboard load times and general performance improved
fix - There were some, Now squashed!
v2.5 (17 Mar. 2019):
feature - Newly redesigned service ordering process
feature - PayPal and Braintree payment gateway added
feature - Re-structured caching mechanism for better performance and invalidating drivers whenever needed.
improvement - wallet improvements (iOS & Android)
improvement - various other improvements and redesigns
compatibility - replaced Google Places API with new Library. Deprecation problem fixed now.
feature - added new refresh button for driver service requests.
fix - reported bugs fixed
v2.1 (27 Nov. 2018):
Features of new android app was added to iOS too. their features are identical now.
compatibility - The iOS is compatible with Xcode 10.1 & Swift 4.2
v2.0 (7 Nov. 2018):
feature - coupons will let you offer discount codes to your customers
feature - promotional messages which you can use both menu and OneSignal dashboard to send those
feature - driver now can work in background and open the app to see requests when notification comes to his phone
feature - transaction details on in-app credit can be seen for both rider and driver in it's menu
feature - Empty state and loading state of lists is using new graphics and animations
fix - many small updates and improvements based on users feedback
feature - A new template for payment gateway is added. This helps developers to implement almost any payment gateway
compatibility - added compatibility for xcode 9.4.1 and swift 4.1 and updated dependencies accordingly
improvement - Automatized and easier installation process
feature - User permissions
feature - Option for using miles instead of km in client
fix - Some general fixes and improvements