Shoppi: All in one affiliate store with admin panel (iOS/Laravel)
Shoppi is an android affiliate platform app having many cools features like explore page, new arrived products, products by category, products y brand, multiple store options Favourite products, share products, Features categories, For you Products based on user search and many other things.
Shoppi app doesn’t make money only affiliates for the publisher, but this app has ads implemented.
We recommend DigitalOcean VPS hosting:
All of our apps are created with DigitalOcean hostings, of course it can work on others but we recommend this as it benefits at many ways like easy to manage, high bandwidth and cost effectiveness of course.
Get free 100$ credits by cliking on the refer button below. Let us know if you want to hire us for setup.
Admin Panel Features:
- Easily manageble Dashboard
- Create and manage categories
- Mark categories as features for homepage
- Create and manage stores
- Create and manage brands
- Add products with required details
- Add ratings and search tags while adding product
- Multiple image support for product
- Managa ad units of admob and facebook
- Manage miscellaneous settings
Android App Features:
- Elegant UI on homepage
- See new arrived products
- Explored featured products
- Explore categories and products of it
- Explore products by brand
- Search categories
- Search for products
- Suggested products on for you page based on user search
- Multiple store options to buy
- Share products
- Favourite products
- Enable/Disable notification
And Lot more…
To see all the features, please install the demo from the link below and go through all features to experiance all the features.