GeniXMarket DG
GeniXMarket DG is a PHP Based MarketPlace. It’s using GeniXCMS as the engine. It’s a very simple and easy to modify script. GeniXMarket DG offer monitizing by setting the sharing profit with the author. Every sold items will be divided into amount of percentage which can be set at the dashboard admin. See this image as details.
Demo :
User n Pass : admin n admin
User n Pass : admin n admin
How To Videos
[wpcc-iframe title=”Installation Guide of GeniXMarket DG v2.0″ width=”1260″ height=”709″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””]Sneak Peek V2.0
[wpcc-iframe loading=”lazy” title=”GeniXMarket DG V2.0 Sneak Peek – Major Fix” width=”1260″ height=”945″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””]Online Documentations :
- PHP >= 5.3
- MySQL Server (MariaDB recommended)
- Webserver (Apache, Nginx, etc.)
- PHP-Curl enabled
- Pngquant ( – For image compression. This script built in with PngQuant image compression. But if you didn’t installed it still work but with no image compression. Every submitted Images will be compressed.See this image that using pngquant :
There are no translations ready yet. But you can translate the site with your prefered language and set it at the Settings Page. Language file located at ./inc/lang/english.lang.php. You can copy the file, and change the name of the file with your desired name. eg: georgia.lang.php and change the Language tags inside the file.
Next Features
free items(DONE)editable thumbnail and cover images dimension(DONE)- items ratings (DONE)
- user referral
- items report
- simple items stats
- audio and video items type
- more payment gateway
payment gateway selection page+ Add pay with Balancecoupon/discount (merge from my other script)(DONE)
GeniXMarket DG is using some of FOSS (free and opensource software) like :
- GeniXCMS
- Twitter Bootstrap,
- Summernote Text Editor,
- JQuery,
- PHP,
- MySQL,
- SB-Admin 2,
- Bootstrap Validator,
- PngQuant (image compression).
- etc.
2.0.0: 12:17 PM 6/18/2017
- + Fixing Many Security Issues – XSS/CSRF/SQLi
- + Add Shopping Cart
- + Add Coupon/Discount
- + Add Pay with Balance
- + New Dashboard Layout
- + Change Frontend Layout Display
- + Improving Sitemap for Google Indexing
1.0.3: 12:17 PM 6/19/2015
- + Fixing Orders and Purchase list view
- + Add Main Category editable
- + Add Custom thumbnail and cover image dimension
- + Add Item Approval options (auto, manual)
- + Add Author Approval options (auto manual)
- + Add Free Item Support.
1.0.2: 11:17 AM 6/16/2015
- + Fixing Category Update
- + Fixing download and revision rewrite rule
- + Fixing no avatar thumbnail to be blank
- + Fixing comments reply disabled when not logged in
- – Remove config.php at inc/config/config.php since v1.0.1
1.0.1: 7:13 AM 6/11/2015
- + Files and Image Uploads Directory Bug Fix
- + Add Apache and Nginx rewrite rule
- + Author request approval Bug Fix
- + Add More Documentations Detail
- Initial Release