UdhaarBook (Money Manager)
This app keep tracks of your borrowings to someone and someone’s borrowings to you, Apartly this also used to manage suppliers.
- Add unlimited customers
- Add unlimited suppliers
- Add unlimited customers transactions
- Add unlimited suppliers transactions
- Add bills attachments to customer’s transactions
- Add bills attachments to supplier’s transactions
- Add transaction IDs to customer’s transactions
- Add transaction IDs to supplier’s transactions
- Send SMS as soon as you add transactions either to customer or to supplier
- Edit SMS templates of customer’s transactions and supplier’s transactions
- Edit supplier profile
- Edit customer profile
- Add customers from contacts
- Add suppliers from contacts
- Set reminder to get paid or pay to customer or supplier
- Admob Implementation
- Cloud Backup(Backend without UI till now on laravel framework 8.2)
Click here to download from Google Drive
Technical Details
- Required php 7.0+
- Backend : Laravel(No UI till now)
- Programming language: KOTLIN
- Compile SDK Version: 32
- Min SDK Version: 23
- Target SDK Version: 32
- Based on: Google Material Layout
- Every library is up-to-date
- Backend is on laravel for backups but till now UI on backend is not available
- Used all latest technologies