WooCommerce Estimated Delivery Date For Shipping Method
WooCommerce Estimated Delivery Date For Shipping Method helps customers find out the expected delivery date of the order before and after the order was placed` Using this plugin you can display estimated shipping date for each shipping method. This plugin allow you to add estimated delivery time for each shipping method to keep customers informed as to how long each shipping method takes to send an order.
- Option for set estimated delivery date for each shipping method
- Option for set custom delivery time message.
- Option for set date format.
- Option to restrict week days for each shpping method.
- Option to restrict dates and date ranges for each shpping method.
- Allow you to set estimated date between two day Ex: delivery between 24th march 2016 to 27th march 2016
- Allow you to set estimated delivery day (Ex: Order will be deliver in 2 days).
- Option for enable/disable delivery time for each shipping method.
- Option for set color and font size of delivery text
- Option for set Delivery Cut-Off Time for day
- Display estimation text on cart page,checkout page,order email, thank you page, my account page and admin order view page.
- Easy to use. No coding required
- 24×7 Support
- WPML Support