- 3 Different Beautiful front-end Login & Registration themes with shortcodes.
- 1-Click Social Login and Registration with Facebook, Twitter and Google.
- Custom actions and filters for adding more features using other plugins.
- User role wise page/post security
- Display / Create user group wise site navigation with built in pages/posts or external links
- Display login form on sidebar by widget
- Redirect non-admin user to front end private area instead wp-admin area.
- Login with email or username.
- User role wise author template support. Ex: 1. author-administrator.php
- User role wise dashboard or page redirect after login
- Global profile setting wise author URL modification and routing adjustments like. 1. 2. 3. 4.
- Translation Support with .POT, .PO and .MO file
- Reset password with email or username.
- Admin Configurable Registration, Profile Editing, Login, Reset Password, Change Password page form fields with Label, Placeholder, Input visibility and required configuration.
- Single registration per IP configurable.
- Redirecting user to homepage if he/she are visiting admin panel.
- Preventing User registration IP Blocking.
- Allowing User registration for specific email domain only.
- User registration notification to admin and user.
- Sidebar Login Widget/Shortcode.
- Uses WordPress user meta to ensure compatibility with other plugins.
- Email template modification by admin.
- Antispam Question for Registration.
- Fully responsive, adjusts beautifully to any screen size.
- Custom CSS, to adjusts tiny appearance issue to match your theme.
- In admin plugin builtin documentation.
- Finally completely nobies user friendly also developer friendly!
Change Log:
Version 2.1.0: on 10th Mar, 2018
+ 1. Added - WordPress Version 4.9.x support added. + 2. Fixed - vt_resize image resize conflict fix with other image resize library of theme/plugin. + 3. Added - User group based after login page redirection. + 4. Fixed - Some CSS fix added for exiting themes. + 5. Updated - Social registrations on registration page short code false by default - Requested by frank + 6. Updated - In settings tab all pages selector showing all pages - Requested by frank + 7. Updated - In settings tab all pages selector in Alphabatic order - Requested by frank + 8. Added - User role wise logged in page redirection - Requested by frank + 9. Added - Username validation for multi word like "John Doe" - Requested by frank + 10. Updated - Captcha by default off and can be enabled by the settings. + 11. Added - Sidebar Login widget added requested by Patricia Tamborino. + 12. Fixed -Password strength 'Test' text removed. + 13. Added - Registration shortcode param: show_login_link: yes|no + 14. Added - Login shortcode param: show_registration_link: yes|no + 15. Added - Login shortcode param: show_forgot_password_link: yes|no + 16. Updated - Login shortcode param: hide_input_label: yes|no from true|false + 17. Updated - Registration shortcode param: hide_input_label: yes|no from true|false
Version 2.0.2: on 20 May 2017
+ 1. Added - Profile photo upload support with local and social source + 2. Optimized - Twitter Social Login + 3. Optimized - Google Social Login + 4. Fixed - Facebook Social Login Issue + 5. Optimized - Deprecated / PHP versison issues + 6. Fixed - Activating this plugins cause blog posts are gone by post securing
Version 2.0.1: on 13 Dec 15
+ 1. Fixed - Secured page login was redirecting to default WordPress login page.
Version 2.0.0: on 12 Dec 15
+ 1. Fixed - aqua-resizer conflict with other premium themes. + 3. Removed - unexpected debug exit from funciton.php + 4. Added - public function wp_slrp_get_registration_page_url + 5. Added - public function wp_slrp_get_profile_edit_page_url + 6. Added - public function wp_slrp_get_change_password_page_url + 7. Added - public function wp_slrp_get_login_page_url + 8. Added - public function wp_slrp_get_logout_page_url + 9. Added - API hook + 1. before_wpslrp_register_password_strength + 2. after_wpslrp_register_password_strength + 3. before_wpslrp_change_password_strength + 4. after_wpslrp_change_password_strength + 10. Fixed - captcha conflic issue with other plguins. + 10. Fixed - wrong message display with username instead email, Oh Snap! The information you entered for the email username is incorrect. + 11. Added - Profile Update Area + 1. Profile Photo added for admin + 2. Gender Male / Female for admin + 3. Country added for admin + 12. Fixed - When plugin based login page is not created then invalid redirect login page issue has been fixed with WordPress default login page. + 13. Removed - duplicate function wp_slrp_get_user_role from function/functions.php + 14. Added - User group wise page access control! + 15. Added - User login status wise private page appearance in WordPress default primary menu. + 16. Improved - "You do not have permission to access this page." has been replaced with redirecting to home. + 17. Added - Logged in user wise admin dashboard interface access control. + 18. Added - When a page is visiting without roles / access control permission then now it will show WordPress default error as access denied. + 19. Added - Removed posts from posts listing page like blog index which all posts are secured! Its even hiding posts from recent posts widget and post search results. + 20. User role wise author template support. + Ex: 1. author-administrator.php + 2. author-editor.php + 21. Added - It is now possible to add link in menu with group / role based security. + 22. Added - Global profile setting wise author URL modification and routing adjustments like. + + + + + 23. Added - Translation Support with .POT, .PO and .MO file + 24. Added - Show Password Strength under registration and change password form. + 25. Improved - Improved some other minor fixes and features.
Version 1.2.0: on 11 Jun 15
+ New Feature - Added 3 Different Beautiful front-end Login & Registration themes with shortcodes. + New Feature - Username or Email Login. + New Feature - Username or Email Reset Password. + New Feature - Terms and Condition checkbox on Registration. + New Feature - Antispam Question for Registration. + New Feature - Change password feature by shortcode. + New Feature - Redirecting subscriber user to homepage if he/she are visiting admin panel. + New Feature - Securing a page by checkbox input when adding/editing a page from non logged in user. + New Feature - Added Action API for each input fields for customization purpose by other plugins. + Fixes - Confirm password placeholder issue.
Version 1.1.0: on 23 Dec 14
+ New Feature - Setting to show / hide Admin Toolbar? + New Feature - Single Registration Per IP. + New Feature - Email domain specific user registration. + Removed - The personal info and account info heading in the form. + New Feature - IP Address blocking on registration. + New Feature - Settings to modify each forms each field, label and placeholder text. + New Feature - Notify by Email to admin user when a registration completed. + New Feature - All email subject and content modification by admin user on plugins settings. + New Feature - Email to user sender name and email is not configurable by admin user on plugins settings. + New Feature - Global success message heading is not customizable by plugins settings. + New Feature - Global error message heading is not customizable by plugins settings. + New Feature - Custom CSS settings to change the appearance with css code editor. + New Feature - After editing user profile the system is now redirect user to login screen if password changes. + New Feature - Login with redirect_to page configuration. + Removed - Registration/Edit Profile form input group heading has been removed. + Removed - Edit Profile form "Username cannot be changed." has been removed. + New Feature - Password and Username on login registration form autocomplete is now off. + Removed - .CSV user import features has been removed from this version.
Version 1.0.3: on 28 Aug 13
+ Cross-site Scripting (XSS) security fix added. + WP 3.6 Tested.
Version 1.0.2: on 20 June 13
+ Edit Profile warning issue has been fixed.
Version 1.0.1: on 1 June 13
+ Fixed the static error message with phpfarmer username on invalid login submission. + You can now select login and logout redirect page via plugins admin settings. + You can now display individually login and logout link on page or post contents by newly added shortcodes.
Version 1.0.0: on 25 March 13
+ Initial Release version 1.0.0